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Marija Mtellgħa s-Sema Ħad-Dingli
For sale
Books by Frank Duff
On the occasion of the centenary since the founding of the Legion of Mary, the Concilium in Ireland re-published the books of Frank Duff. The regia of Malta is offering to bring books from Ireland for those members who wish to acquire them. Interested members should place their orders with their curia treasurer (who then hands them over to the regia), or the regia Praesidia directly to Bro Joe Micallef, treasurer of the regia. The Gozo Praesidia will pass on the orders to the Comitium Treasurer
Virgo Praedicanda - €8.50
The Women of Genesis - €8.50
Victory Through Mary - €8.50
Walking With Mary - €8.50
The Spirit of the Legion of Mary - €8.50
Mary Shall Reign - €8.50
Miracles on Tap- €7.50
Frank Duff Interviews - €5.50
Let Us Trust God Totally, by Fr Paul Churchill - €6.50
We encourage members to become more familiar with our founder, the Servant of God Frank Duff, in order to grow in holiness and legionnaire spirit.
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